Willow-Leaf Rattlepod is a perennial herb with stiff,
sparingly branched stem, densely covered with rusty silky hairs. leaves
oblong or lanceshaped, narrowed at both ends, shortly silky, and
long-stalked, few-flowered racemes. Bracts are minute, lanceshaped,
flower-stalks as long as sepals. Flowers are bright yellow, not much
protruding out of sepals. Sepal cup is 1.8 cm deep, densely coated with
bright brown velvety hairs. Sepals are linear, all very long. Pods are
3.5-5 cm long, half as broad, stalked. Lower leaves are oblong or
lanceshaped-oblong, upper linear-lanceshaped, reaching 7.5-10 cm, both
side covered with hairs like those on the stem. Willow-Leaf Rattlepod
is native to Western Ghats.
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Vagamon, Kerala.
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